New words

1.survey /ˈsɜːveɪ/ 
(n).An investigation of the opinions, behaviour, etc. of a particular group of people, which is usually done by asking them questions 民意调查;民意测验
(v).to look carefully at the whole of sth, especially in order to get a general impression of it 查看;审视;审察
2.subway  /ˈsʌbweɪ/ 
(n)an underground railway/railroad system in a city地下铁道;地铁交通
3.spell /spel/ 
(v)to say or write the letters of a word in the correct order用字母拼写;拼写
(n)a short period of time during which sth lasts(持续的)一段时间
4.source /sɔːs/ 
(n).a place, person or thing that you get sth from 来源;出处
5.calm /kɑːm/ 
(adj).not excited, nervous or upset 镇静的;沉着的
(v).to make sb/sth become quiet and more relaxed, especially after strong emotion or excitement 使平静;使镇静
(n).a quiet and peaceful time or situation 平静的时期;宁静的状态  /vet/ 
(n). a person who has been trained in the science of animal medicine, whose job is to treat animals who are sick or injured 兽医
7.dusty /ˈdʌsti/
(adj).full of dust; covered with dust 布满灰尘的;灰尘覆盖的
8.accent /ˈæksent/ 
(n).a way of pronouncing the words of a language that shows which country, area or social class a person comes from 口音;腔调;土音
(v). to emphasize a part of sth 着重;强调;突出
9.cycle  /ˈsaɪkl/ 
(n).a bicycle or motorcycle 自行车;摩托车
(v). to ride a bicycle; to travel by bicycle 骑自行车;骑自行车旅行
10.gas   /ɡæs/ 
(n).any substance like air that is neither a solid nor a liquid, for example hydrogen and oxygenare both gases 气体
(v).to kill or harm sb by making them breathe poisonous gas 用毒气杀伤(或杀死);使吸入毒气
11.pace   /peɪs/
(n).the speed at which sb/sth walks, runs or moves (移动的)速度;步速
12 native  /ˈneɪtɪv/ 
(adj).  connected with the place where you were born and lived for the first years of your life 出生地的;儿时居住地的
(n). a person who was born in a particular country or area 出生于某国(或某地)的人
13.entire /ɪnˈtaɪə(r)/ 
(adj).including everything, everyone or every part SYN whole 全部的;整个的;完全的
14. partner  /ˈpɑːtnə(r)/
(n).the person that you are married to or having a sexual relationship with 配偶;性伴侣
(v).to be sb's partner in a dance, game, etc. (在跳舞、游戏等中)结成伙伴,做搭档,配对

15.thunder /ˈθʌndə(r)/

(n).the loud noise that you hear after a flash of lightning , during a storm 雷;雷声

(v). when it thunders , there is a loud noise in the sky during a storm 打雷

16.highway.  /ˈhaɪweɪ/ 

(n).a main road for travelling long distances, especially one connecting and going through cities and towns (尤指城镇间的)公路,干道,交通要道

17.power  /ˈpaʊə(r)/

(n).the ability to control people or things 控制力;影响力;操纵力

(v).to supply a machine or vehicle with the energy that makes it work 驱动,推动(机器或车辆)

18.fond /fɒnd/ 

(adj).feeling affection for sb, especially sb you have known for a long time 喜爱(尤指认识已久的人)

19.pack   /pæk/ 

(v).to put clothes, etc. into a bag in preparation for a trip away from home 收拾(行李);装(箱)

(n).a container, usually made of paper, that holds a number of the same thing or an amount of sth, ready to be sold (商品的)纸包,纸袋,纸盒

20.cave  /keɪv/ 

(n).a large hole in the side of a hill or under the ground 山洞;洞穴

(v). to fall down and towards the centre 塌落;塌陷;坍塌

最后修改: 2020年03月9日 星期一 13:32